An Overview of the New Jersey Probate Process | The Knee Law Firm, LLC
When a loved one dies, one of the most challenging tasks can be settling the estate, ensuring that assets are legally transferred in accordance with the decedent’s wishes. That’s the function of the probate process.
Digital Estate Planning Some of the Concerns | The Knee Law Firm, LLC
It seems that our world is rapidly becoming a digital one, with more and more services available online every day.
How the Tax Reform Bill Changes Your Estate Planning
Though the tax reform bill passed in December, 2017 has been mostly heralded as a benefit for corporations, with a dramatic reduction in the corporate tax rate, it also made some significant changes in estate and gift tax law. Here’s an overview of those changes.
Getting Started With the Probate Process in New Jersey
If you’ve agreed to act as personal representative or executor of the estate of a loved one you may be uncertain how you initiate the process or what your duties are.
What Should I Do With the Family Vacation Home When My Parents Are Gone?
Sadly, when your parents are gone, the family vacation home often becomes the one thing that you and your siblings disagree on most.
Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year!
Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year from the Knee Law Firm, LLC.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy thanksgiving from the Knee Law Firm, LLC.
NJ Governor Chris Christie Signs Digital Access Act
As we move further into the digital age, more and more questions arise regarding the right of access to digital information after a person’s death. Who can have access to online usernames, passwords and accounts? Are they treated differently than other types of property?
What to Do With Your Senior Parents’ Stuff When You Don’t Want It
It’s a common source of anxiety and concern in estate planning-your parents have spent a lifetime building an estate and often amassing a collection of “treasures” they plan to pass on to you. Unfortunately, your tastes and theirs may not be the same
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween from the Knee Law Firm, LLC.