Explore the Common Reasons for Probate Disputes

What Are Common Reasons for Probate Disputes? The average will takes about six to nine months to go through probate court. However, if there are disputes, this process can drag out for years. If you want to keep your heirs from dealing with the stress of a lengthy probate, you need to avoid making these mistakes....

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Trusts Help You Avoid Federal Taxes

Avoid Federal Estate Taxes With Trusts If you want to transfer your wealth to your heirs, you need to know how to avoid federal estate taxes. The current federal estate tax exemption stands at $11.7 million, and thus very few estates are subject to the tax. Even so, there are ways to minimize the burden. What Are...

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When Should the Irrevocable Trust Be in Place?

There Are Basically Three Reasons to Use an Irrevocable Trust Did you know that an irrevocable ttrust cannot be modified, amended, or terminated without the permission of the beneficiaries? Set up to minimize taxes as well as other reasons, the grantor legally removes their rights to ownership. As an estate planning...

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