Why Unequal Inheritances Might Be Advisable

An Unequal Inheritance Could Be an Option for Your Children For most families who have more than one child, the division of assets in estate planning is usually relatively simple. All of the assets would be divided as equally as possible among your children. However,...

What is a QTIP Trust?

Is a QTIP Trust Right for Your Situation? A QTIP trust is a legal vehicle through which a deceased spouse can ensure the lifetime income of a surviving spouse. An estate planning lawyer may recommend a QTIP trust when the estate of at least one of the spouses is...

Estate Planning and Mental Health

Why You Need to Consider Mental Health in Estate Planning An estimated 19.9% of Americans hold a diagnosis of a behavioral or mental health issue at any time. Mental illness affects people of all ages and from all walks of life. If one of your heirs has a mental or...