Understanding How Codicils to a Will Work

Everything You Need to Know About Codicils to Wills Did you know that only 28% of Americans have properly updated wills? Not taking the time to update your will when your life changes can lead to issues later. If you’re interested in making an existing will more...

What Are the 3 Most Common Reasons a Will Is Invalidated?

Understanding the 3 Main Reasons Wills Are Invalidated Did you know that roughly 3% of all wills end up being contested? These are the three most common reasons that a will ends up being invalidated. 1. Undue Influence Overall, one of the leading reasons for...

5 Important Elements of a Will

Less than half of adults in the United States report having estate planning documents that include a will. If you haven’t yet begun to explore preparing one, the impact of foregoing this step could be significant for loved ones left behind. Below, we go over...

How to Tell If a Holographic Will Is Valid in Your Area

Is a Holographic Will Actually Valid? Over half of all states allow people to use a holographic will to bequeath their belongings to others. However, this type of will has some unique requirements if you want it to be legally valid. Whether it can actually be used...