by Knee Law | Feb 15, 2024 | Estate Law, Estate Planning
More than two-thirds of Americans have no estate plan, and most of those who do have only a basic will. If you believe that your estate plan should include a trust as a supplement or an alternative to a will, choosing a trustee may feel overwhelming. Fortunately,...
by Knee Law | Feb 1, 2024 | Estate Law, Estate Planning
When it comes to planning your estate, providing for your loved ones is a top priority. However, concerns about their financial responsibility and potential external threats like creditors or a disgruntled spouse may arise. Fortunately, there is a solution: a...
by Knee Law | Jan 15, 2024 | Estate Law, Estate Planning, Inheritance
What To Do As Your Parent’s Executor When drafting a will, many people will name one of their children to be their executor. If you have been named the executor of your parent’s will, that is a big responsibility. Here are a few points to consider. ...
by Knee Law | Jan 1, 2024 | Estate Planning
An Unequal Inheritance Could Be an Option for Your Children For most families who have more than one child, the division of assets in estate planning is usually relatively simple. All of the assets would be divided as equally as possible among your children. However,...
by Knee Law | Oct 1, 2023 | Estate Law, Estate Planning
Is a QTIP Trust Right for Your Situation? A QTIP trust is a legal vehicle through which a deceased spouse can ensure the lifetime income of a surviving spouse. An estate planning lawyer may recommend a QTIP trust when the estate of at least one of the spouses is...