by Knee Law | Feb 2, 2022 | Wills
Understanding the 3 Main Reasons Wills Are Invalidated Did you know that roughly 3% of all wills end up being contested? These are the three most common reasons that a will ends up being invalidated. 1. Undue Influence Overall, one of the leading reasons for...
by Knee Law | Nov 7, 2021 | Estate Law, Estate Planning
Estate Planning Options to Consider for Your Grandchildren The estate planning process is full of changes every step of the way. As grandchildren are added to the family tree, they are often added to the estate plan. This requires a number of different amendments,...
by Knee Law | Nov 3, 2021 | Trusts
Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up a Trust Trusts can keep your estate out of probate and potentially reduce taxes. You should understand how to correctly set up a trust to avoid problems and ensure your intentions are honored after your death or incapacity. Having the...
by Knee Law | Oct 18, 2021 | Estate Law, Trusts
Pros and Cons of Choosing an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust Trusts are often an important aspect of planning your estate that can be used in lieu of a will or to complement a will. An estate planning lawyer can help you set up an ILIT, which is an irrevocable trust...
by Knee Law | Aug 20, 2021 | Estate Planning, Wills
Less than half of adults in the United States report having estate planning documents that include a will. If you haven’t yet begun to explore preparing one, the impact of foregoing this step could be significant for loved ones left behind. Below, we go over...